
Take Your Fundraising To The Next Level

Shawn has seen it all at fundraising events across the country; the good, the bad and the ugly! Subscribe to learn:

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Shawn Has Seen It All

when it comes to fundraising dinners and galas!

Tap into his knowledge & experiences by subscribing to his newsletter where you’ll learn:
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How to effectively incorporate a keynote speaker or entertainer into your fundraising event.

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Hear success stories and what made them so successful.

….and hear some not-so-successful stories and what AVOIDABLE mistakes were made.

Hiring a speaker or a comedian for your fundraising event is a great way to make it more memorable

And, if done right, can even help inspire more generous giving. However, after years of experience and attending tons of fundraising events, it’s clear there are some critical “do’s and don’ts” to follow to ensure your event doesn’t fall flat or even worse, fall short of your financial goals.
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